How to Reduce Enlarged Pores?

Enlarged Pores: Normal or a Problem? What Can and Can’t Be Achieved with Jars and Cosmetic Procedures in Dealing with Pores?

One of the most popular requests that women bring to the world of cosmetology and skincare products is enlarged pores. Interestingly, in most cases, this request stems from excessive self-criticism and is entirely unfounded.

So, what happens when we invent a skin problem for ourselves? That’s right: spontaneous purchasing of skincare products and undergoing procedures that “don’t work.” Following that is even more disappointment in our own skin.

By the way, there are plenty of procedures and products available for tightening pores. Just as there are numerous skincare products promising magical effects. After all, demand creates supply! But do these procedures really make sense? And what do manufacturers actually mean when they claim that a serum/toner/cream “tightens pores”? Is it just marketing?

Let’s figure it out!

Enlarged Pores: Can They Really Be Eliminated?

Spoiler: Pores are normal. Seeing them is also normal.

Of course, it’s hard to believe this after seeing perfect faces with flawless skin on perfect social media platforms, but believe me: those “perfect people” also have pores, and they are often visible. They, too, stand in front of the mirror in the evenings, closely examining their skin, criticizing it, and thinking, “Thank goodness the camera doesn’t capture everything.”

The fact is, we’re all different, everyone’s skin is different, and everyone’s pores are different. Let’s be honest: very few people win the genetic lottery of perfect skin (although the advertising industry tries to convince us otherwise). Instead, to have healthy skin and keep it in good condition, it’s important to accept it and learn to understand its real needs, not the ones imposed on us.

And yes, the truth is that the size of your pores is genetically determined, and you can’t tighten or get rid of them. Their visibility usually depends on your skin type. For example, pores are more noticeable on oily skin than on dry skin.

So, are skincare products that promise to tighten pores just a marketing ploy?

Not quite. However, it’s probably more accurate to talk not about “tightening” but about “significantly reducing the visibility of pores with the right skincare” (though this doesn’t sound as appealing).


The size of your pores is genetically determined and cannot be changed — this is a fact. Pores may also enlarge with age due to loss of elasticity — in this case, skincare won’t work magic either. However, in addition to this, pores can become clogged (dead skin cells, sebum, and impurities accumulate in them). Clogged pores expand and appear larger. And this is where the right skincare routine can work wonders.

Below, you’ll see two photos:

  • In the first photo, there are normal pores that don’t require any intervention.
  • In the second photo, the pores are clogged, enlarged, and visible. This situation can easily be corrected with a proper skincare routine.

Skincare for Reducing the Visibility of Pores

So, what magical products can help make pores less noticeable?

In reality, there’s no magic: a quality basic skincare routine for sebum-prone skin can handle it:

  • Double cleansing
  • Exfoliation
  • Hydration + restoration
  • Sunscreen

Cleansing: A Key Step in Reducing Pores

Impurities, makeup residues, and sebum clog pores. This not only makes them more noticeable but also provokes the appearance of inflammatory elements, the formation of comedones, and, of course, the overall tone of the skin becomes gray and dull. So, if you want to keep your skin healthy, thorough cleansing twice a day should become your habit.

The first step of your evening routine should involve using a cleansing oil or balm to deeply cleanse pores, remove makeup, and SPF. After that, cleanse your skin with your usual cleanser: gel or foam.

In the morning, using just a cleanser will be enough.

The best option for oily skin prone to clogged pores is to use cleansers with acids: they balance pH and regulate the microbiome.

Exfoliation: Total Skin Transformation

The best option is to combine mechanical exfoliation with enzyme powders and chemical exfoliation with acids in your routine. For example, three times a week, we recommend replacing your usual morning cleanser with an enzyme powder. In your evening routine, add products with acids, especially salicylic or mandelic acid.

Remember: products with acids should be applied to clean, completely dry skin and always followed by a restorative cream.

Hydration and Restoration

Hydration and restoration are steps that people with oily skin often try to avoid. And that’s a mistake, because oily skin doesn’t mean hydrated skin. Lack of proper hydration leads to the disruption of the protective barrier, which in turn exacerbates various skin problems, such as dermatitis and acne. Use comfortable non-comedogenic moisturizing creams or lotions, and you’ll immediately notice that your skin feels better.

Sunscreen: A Must-Have in Any Situation

Sunscreen is a must-have at any time of the year. Ultraviolet light destroys collagen and makes pores more noticeable over time. Therefore, daily application of sunscreen in your morning routine is an essential step in skincare.

Modern sunscreens not only provide protection but also offer numerous skincare benefits, so they can be applied directly after serum or toner without any discomfort.